
The Referat für Entwicklungspolitik ÖH Boku invites you to a Mapathon at Tüwi Kultur on March 21, starting at 5 pm!

*** But what is a Mapathon? ***
In a Mapathon (sometimes called Mapping Party) volunteers help mapping neglected crisis regions using satellite images (OSM). This data is important for the work of humanitarian organisations in order to respond faster in the event of a crisis.

*** Awesome! What do I need? I don't know anything about mapping! ***
There's no experience necessary. All tools are free and open source. We just ask you to bring a laptop and mouse (a mouse is not absolutely necessary but makes mapping for most people easier). We will show you everything else you need to know at the beginning :)

Please REGISTER via sending an e-mail to

We are very happy to make this event possible in cooperation with and for Ärzte ohne Grenzen / Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team (HOT), Österreichisches Rotes Kreuz and Missing Maps.
Big thanks to Tüwi Kultur for hosting us!